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This reminded me that I wanted to write a story about being a hive for a swarm. I love the thought of peeling away and cracking open to reveal the exoskeleton beneath. Whenever I imagine becoming a bug I think of melting inside of a cocoon first, so I really admire the sheer violence of the transformation as you write it--I love how gross and brutal and oozing it is. It really captures the kind of feelings that I think draw trans people toward identifying with insects, though even still it's hard to articulate. The train ride scene works so well toward that end, because while it's partially about being protected by your own skin, it's also partially a sense of revulsion that seems to drive us, a morbid fascination that pulls us toward the disgusting, as well as the plain desire to come together and use overwhelming numbers as our power--solidarity in the hive that lets us reflect death back on itself. I love the swarm scene a lot, too--I'd go deeper into why, but I don't wanna put a content warning on this comment, I guess. Anyway, loved this a lot. Thank you so much!

glad you liked it! thinking back, the swarm scene and the final train ride / metamorphosis scene both stick in my head as the sort of "essential" pops of the story; that is, the moments that I felt like needed to be really perfect to carry out the whole image I was going for. Knowing they both worked at all is still really assuring, especially like, a year after originally posting it. Thanks for the comment~


funky as hell. loved the line as one spills in after another, a million mouths feed

in the context of the rest of that page, it's profiteers, gawkers. in the context of the end…bugge :}


i aint readin allat


then die i guess


This was amazingly written! It absorbed me from start to finish. I left feeling really uncomfortable and itchy, 10/10

Props also to the soundtrack, which I think captured the mood perfectly

(1 edit) (+1)

This got under my skin very much (in the intended way). Also gotta respect a game that does a nod to Gregor Samsa lol


I'm glad to hear this was as uncomfortable as I was aiming for! I was worried about how well it would connect with people, especially with how short the work-time on it was.  I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed(?) it though! Thank you for reading!


this is awesome!! somehow every single one of my phobias compounded :P

great job again!


thank you! Honestly.... It kinda was the same for me lmao. I guess when given the prompt of "do something scary", just using all my phobias is an easy out lmao... I'm glad you enjoyed this, though!






Very nice plot! Well written and good sound effects :) I think it would be nice to add more interactivity, but overall it is very interesting!